Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Tips

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions.

If you have a question, why not send us a message or post it in the forum?

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Financing options and the viable structure will be presented by the third quarter of 2023.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is 48 P2P Networking?
2. For who is 48?
3. When can I enjoy the finished product?
4. Where is 48 located?
5. What are the goals of 48?
6. How will 48 achieve its goals?
7. How is 48 build?
8. What are its Features?
9. What are the Four Flows? 
10. What is the Knowledge Base?


1. What is 48 P2P Networking?

48 P2P Networking is an independent and open network platform with a focus on community, research and development between peers.
It is build with open source architecture, maintains a democratic and cooperative company policy and strives to work sustainably in balance with natural resources.

We consist of developers, architects, designers who wish to change the future for the better the smart way: with thinking ahead and by programming of course.  We want to bridge the real world with all that is out there: social architecture, governance possibilities, technological progress and a better protection of the Digital Integrity of the Physical Individual.

2. For who is 48?

48 is a universal mathematical symbol considered to be accessible to all. 
Everybody with an active internet connection can make an account on 48, without conditions.
In the first stages we take on Early Adopters, Techies, Dev’Ops and a few more specialized roles to keep things running smoothly.
In the next stages we educate and train users to become Webmasters, Developers or Architects.

3. When can I enjoy the finished product?

48 is a work in progress, dependent on the developers running it.  We are steadily building towards user goals while still offering a workable environment now. Estimations on the finished version are difficult to pinpoint as we are positioning people, technology, means and networks.

A detailed version overview is to appear soon. 

4. Where is 48 located?

48 strives to be boundless by offering future cloud versions.  In the mean time our Web Alpha Version (WAVe) is hosted on secure servers in Europe.

The Mobile Application is set for Q4 2023.

5.What are the Goals of 48?

To remove barriers for users in the usage of (social) media, to protect personal data and to make sharing available in a cooperative manner.
This does not mean to freely hand over data, rather it sets the playing field for future markets.
We are setting up a professional common ground ready for the world of tomorrow and are making sure the progress is inclusive to all.
48 is aimed at a networked transition framework in which aspects of our work and life are evaluated, streamlined and updated. 

48 proposes to gamify the transition.  

The list below is a guideline to future expansion of 48 but is by no means final.

  • Social networking 3.0
  • Democratic (voting) policy
  • Environmental footprints (ecological & sustainable policy)
  • GDPR support (legal policy: Digital Integrity of the Physical Individual)
  • Personal Data ownership
  • Data safeguarding (Digital Datavaults)
  • Streamlining Data-markets
  • Partnerships

6. How will 48 achieve its goals?

By combining visions, assemble cooperations, transparent networking, user centric design, feedback mechanisms and thorough development: Gamification, P2P Networks, current and future technology like Web 3.0 & Blockchain.

To do this 48 produces tools and applications – like this website – to maximize user interaction and information exchange. 

We design and develop the infrastructure in which the interactions can take place.

7. How is 48 build?

Open Source Solutions

The Build of 48 started not so long ago; around December 1st 2023 the plan had formed to setup an independent networking site completely build with open source solutions and focused on a transitional ideology.

The initial build of this website consists of the WordPress architecture but due to interoperability issues and safety standards we are extending our receptors to all kind of generated (IoT) data.  This means in essence all functionality you now enjoy will be safeguarded via the extendable mirroring of interfaces.  

To take on this hard work we are in need of visionary developers on the one hand and a well informed and educated audience.  

In our Build section is to appear a detailed overview of technologies incorporated.

48 Build
Web Alpha Version 1.4 (WAVe 1.4) 75%

8. Features

Here we give you an overview of the features as they now are running.  We apologize for any outage. 

Messaging; encrypted messaging service – only for members.

Chat: encrypted messaging service – only for members.

Video conferencing: encrypted messaging service by Jitsi Meet, the privacy friendly alternative – only for members.

Shared Docs: share all kinds of documents on the go, work together on Docs, send Docs – only for members.

Profiles: extendable Profiles to safeguard all your of your virtual playground.

Friendships: Make new friends!

Likes: Like posts & comments.

Content sharing: or better known as Activities – here also presented as the Streams.

Check-Ins: Upgradable geo directory

Groups: create and manage your own Groups with emailing options, shared Docs and more.

Forums: Pose questions and find answers from your peers.  

Wikipedia lookup: right click on a term to get a Wikipedia explanation. 


Events: possibility to create your own events. 

Locations: possibility to create your own Places

Activities: site wide tracked activity overviews

Multilingual: a complete translation of the environment. (Currently in development)

9. What are the Four Flows?

This website is build on experience that we all use different organizing and structuring mechanisms.  No single way is superior.
By grouping those functions adjacent we involve the probability of flow with the user.  This is a process of trial and error, of balances and of choices.
We are working towards giving you a better user experience with the means at hand from a user-centric vision.

This gamification of the menubar (with colors or symbols) has immediate structuring functions.
More on the Flows in a next chapter.

“Flow is the mental state of being completely immersed in an activity.
In positive psychology, a flow state, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.”

10. What is the Knowledge Base?

The Knowledge Base is also a work in progress.  It grows over time and has multiple functions to structurizing our data.

It starts of as a simple Wiki, takes on encyclopedia functions, involves personalized study and evolves to a structured and specialized collective Knowledge Base.

Collective memory refers to the shared pool of memories, knowledge and information of a social group that is significantly associated with the group’s identity. The English phrase “collective memory” and the equivalent French phrase “la mémoire collective” appeared in the second half of the nineteenth century. The philosopher and sociologist Maurice Halbwachs analyzed and advanced the concept of the collective memory in the book Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire (1925). Collective memory can be constructed, shared, and passed on by large and small social groups. Examples of these groups can include nations, generations, communities, among others. Collective memory has been a topic of interest and research across a number of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, history, philosophy, and anthropology.


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